Masullo Development

Web and Mobile Solutions

Creating unique websites and mobile apps across multiple industries. Healthcare, Aviation, and more.

Morning Report Pro

Medical Case Based Presentation Software

Built with: Svelte, Sapper, Javascript and Firestore

MR Pro App

Lampasas Pilot's Association

A website for the Lampasas Pilot's Association.

Built with: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


ED Shifts

A Scheduling Website specifically designed for Emergency Departments.

Built with: Svelte and 8base

Go to ED Shifts

Go No-Go Weather

A Weather App for Pilots.

Built with: HTML, CSS, and JQuery

Go to Go/No-Go

Masullo Counseling

A website for the Marriage and Family Therapist, Diane E. Masullo, MS, LPC, LMFT.

Built with: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Go To Masullo Counseling


A website for SportairSouth, a SportairUSA Dealership. Specializing in Light Sport Aircraft

Built with: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Go To SportairSouth

Active Runway

An aviation app that helps you calculate the best landing runway with the current winds.

Built with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Nativescript

iOS App Store Google Play Store
Revive IV

Revive IV

An iOS, Android and Web app for Revive IV, mobile IV therapy.

Built with: Flutter, Dart, and Firestore

In Development